The Ultimate In-Season Training Guide
for Throwers
Increase strength and explosive power...During your track season!
It’s time to let you in on a little secret.
There is something a lot of track coaches around the world don’t understand.
You can get stronger and more explosive as your season progresses.
You can time this so you will be at your strongest and most explosive
for the big championship meets at the end of your season.
It’s called PEAKING.
And it’s becoming a lost art.
Peaking is a science. It takes years to learn proper peaking techniques.
This is why so many coaches and throwers don’t know how to peak correctly
and actually get WORSE as the end of the season approaches!!
In my 30+ years experience in the sport of track and field, I have NEVER seen a book or video
that properly explains how to PEAK correctly.
It’s the Hidden Secret for a lot of top coaches.
Here's why...
1. To Peak correctly, you need to plan your training correctly from day 1.
The days you lift, the exercises, sets, reps, weight, amount of rest…
2. You also need to know exactly when to shift your focus in the weight room from increasing strength
to building explosive speed and power.
Think of it like a top chef with a SECRET RECIPE.
The Best Coaches NEVER want their secrets to get out! I have spent the last 14 track seasons perfecting this lost art.
It is now available for you in the new eBook…
The Ultimate In-Season Training Program for Throwers
Since the release of the ULTIMATE Off-Season Training eBook, people have been emailing looking for an In-Season training guide.
Problem is, writing these guides takes a long time if you want to do it right.
You buy a training book expecting it to provide massive results.
There is NO WAY I would ever sell you a product without first testing and re-testing it on myself and my throwers
for at least 4 seasons.
That wouldn’t be fair to you and you would not see optimal results.
This Program Works.
All of my athletes use it and have seen phenomenal results.
Here's why it works and how it can help you hit a massive PR at your championship meet.
Like all good training plans, there are stages to this program.
The first stage of training is a three week training stage focusing on strength using basic compound movements.
Explosive movements follow as mini circuit allowing you to generate max power.
The second stage of training is where the real meat of this program starts to take shape.
You will be asked to blend your strength training movements and explosive movements together.
The third stage of training is where you will be transitioning your focus to pure explosive movements while maintaining strength.
The last thing we want at this stage of the season is to go too heavy
and mess with your ability to peak for the championship meet.
Oh yeah, one more BIG thing...
This In-Season training program includes a special bonus section.
This bonus section will give you step by step directions to peak correctly.
You will learn how to:
1. Properly select your goal meet based on last season’s results.
2. Work backwards from that goal meet to the very first week of training.
3. Schedule your weight training days around your meet and practice schedule.
4. Pinpoint your athletic peak for the EXACT DAY of your goal meet.
Because it is an eBook, You receive it immediately delivered to your e-mail.
How much is it?
Like always, you are getting a heck of a deal!
This is a 13 week training program. The training is done 2 days per week. That’s 26 days of training.
If you trained at my gym with me and my athletes, you would pay $480 dollars for the same amount of training.
I love the sport of track and field.
I am on a mission to get throwers the best information possible at a price anyone can afford.
You get 13 weeks of training specifically designed for throwers. Proven results. Tested methods.
26 full days of training. Guaranteed to get you to peak for the big championship meet.
And you only have to pay $37 bucks. (that’s less than $1.50 per workout!!)
Since implementing this program, throwers using this program have become...
RI Boys Indoor and Outdoor Shot Put State Champions
RI Girls Indoor and Outdoor Shot Put State Champions
RI Boys Discus State Champion
RI Girls Discus State Champion
RI Girls Discus State Record Holder
MA Boys and Girls Indoor Division and All-State Champions
MA Boys and Girls Outdoor Division and All-State Champions
Girls New England Shot Put Champion
Boys New England Discus Champion
Now is the time for you to TAKE ACTION!